Zig Quirks - Introduction

· ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Shankar's Blog

The incomplete and informal way of learning the zig programming language.
#zig #programming

# Zig Quirks - Introduction

This is going to be my first blog post.

I decided to write about zig language because i am currently in the process of learning this programming language. Zig is under heavy development and current version is in 0.12.0 which is in no way near stable version of 1.0.0. So expect the language and standard library to keep evolving. My intention is to keep up with the latest version in all my relevant posts. The targeted zig version will be added to every code block to ensure there is no discrepancy.

My posts is my learning process put into words and are in no way canonical. In case of any error or other issues please contact report[at]shankar[dot]blog.

# Table of Contents: